Every grant relationship begins with listening and learning on our part. We look to our non-profit partners as experts in their fields, and we consider whether we can make a meaningful difference as a community partner.

We look for effective community leaders—with measurable outcomes, using best practices. We’re interested in learning about how non-profit organizations are making a positive impact on the children of St. Louis, and what innovative ideas non-profit leaders have for the future.

The mission of the Tilles Foundation is to ensure that disadvantaged children receive education and other services needed to prepare them to find work and help themselves.

Phase 1: Introduction Form

The grant process begins with the Introduction Form. We accept Introduction Forms annually from January to March.

Phase 2: Grant Application (by invitation only)

Organizations demonstrating a potential fit with our mission and areas of focus will be invited to submit a Grant Application. The Grant Application is submitted by invitation only, after receipt and review of the Introduction Form. Grant Applications are solicited and accepted prior to September 1 annually. An invitation to submit a Grant Application does not ensure that an organization will receive funds.

What We Don’t Fund

Examples of areas the foundation does not fund:

  • Direct donations or grants to individuals

  • For-profit entities

  • Organizations outside of our funding area

  • Fund-raising dinners, advertising or other benefits

  • Endowment projects

  • Political campaigns, candidates and legislative lobbying efforts

  • Projects that exclusively serve religious purposes

  • Tuition reimbursement

  • Organizations or projects not primarily serving children and youth