Saint Louis Counseling’s School Partnership Program provides individual and small group counseling in the school setting to children and youth in grades K-12. In addition to direct mental health intervention, Saint Louis Counseling also offers social-emotional learning presentations designed for students.

The School Partnership Program was awarded a three-year grant totaling $150,000 — and at the end of the second year, The Tilles Foundation has funded over 2,000 counseling sessions and reached over 3,300 students through social-emotional learning presentations in the classroom. On average, youth in this program show an 87% satisfaction rate when completing their Session Rating scale, which highlights engagement in the therapeutic process by developing positive relationships—a strong indicator of success.

Through the support of the Tilles Foundation, one of the Saint Louis Counseling therapists supported an 8-year-old student who had lost her dad, uncle, grandmother, and grandfather to COVID-19 during the school year. Her time at school became a getaway and provided her with the space to surround herself with unconditional support and begin the healing process.

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